
Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Finer Things Club.

It happens about once a month. Travis peaks his head over my cube wall and asks if I want sushi. The answer is almost always yes. He then saunters around the office rounding up a raggle-taggle group of Home & Away employees to venture out to sample the fare of one of Omaha's many (several) sushi joints. I call this the "Finer Things Club," inspired by NBC's The Office. It started around the New Year. We pick a new place each week. Carpool. And hand the menu to Travis. We so blindly trust his expertise that I'm sure I couldn't select a meal on my own at this point. It won't live up. Thus far, we have hit every legit sushi bar/restaurant in Omaha at least once. Yesterday, we went to Hiro on 132nd and Maple. This joint is the resounding favorite among sushi-lovers in town, with good reason. It's all about the food there. The rolls are creative and well-executed. The wasabi stinger is Travis' must-eat. But I must admit that Hiro is not my favorite. I prefer Sushi Japan on 144th and Center. In my eyes, they are equal in creativity and quality. But Sushi Japan serves bite-size rolls. You're supposed to eat sushi in one bite. But that dang wasabi stinger at Hiro is huge, good but huge. Pieces of crab always fall off the top, and it barely fits in my mouth. Really, I'm choosing between two excellent eateries here. It's a win-win situation.

1 comment:

  1. my sister and her boy would agree with you. they drive all the way from the old market for sushi japan.
