
Monday, December 8, 2008

Au Bon Pain - At the Good Bread

You see this teeny, tiny photo taken with my camera at the Dallas-Fort Worth airport? That is Au Bon Pain, a restaurant that always makes me feel good inside. It could be the warm yellow and blue color scheme, or the presence of baked goods and espresso. But I think it might be because it was my favorite spot to read and write and one of my favorite spots to eat in Bangkok. I went to Au Bon Pain on the end of Silom Road near Lumpini Park just about every Sunday after church. I would order a deli sandwich and a cappucino with skim milk and would sit and read the Thai edition of the New York Times and browse their bookstore. The Bangkok outlet for Au Bon Pain is decidedly better than the airport edition (as you can see below):
I had to wait forever at the airport while two workers poured soup from a bag into a crockpot and the manager tooled around. But look at the foam on the cappucino (beautiful and worth the wait): I look for Au Bon Pain everywhere now. Thus far I've eaten at one in Manhattan and one at the airport in Philly. My goal in Thailand was to visit one in every city that has them. However, after viewing their Web site today, I don't think that will be possible (or worth it) seeing as Nebraska is one in like 5 states that doesn't have one.

1 comment:

  1. i've never been to one of these. but if i ever come across one, i'll be sure to stop in.
