
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Eric's Tikka Masala Mango Omelet

Here's why Megan and Eric are a great couple: Eric likes to cook and Megan likes to eat. I'll have backtrack and say that Megan does cook. But one of the best things about Megan is that she'll try anything and she almost always likes it. This is a great thing for me because I'll make something new that we all know isn't that good, but she always likes it. It's always great when someone declares your soup to be the best they've ever eaten in their entire life. Reason number two why Megan and Eric are great is that they are among the most hospitable people I know. They have always made me feel welcome, even when I'm the third wheel. I can remember the first meal Eric made that I ate. It was fish tacos with mango salsa a bunch of other good stuff that he threw together with the assistance of Megan. It was also my first introduction to Eric's roommates/med school friends. We sat at the table and discussed, in all seriousness, STDs. I found the conversation to be hilarious, but I think Eric's friends were embarassed later that the first time they met me they talked about the details of an ob/gyn rotation at the dinner table. If you can imagine our first conversation already going there, think of all subsequent conversations in Eric's living room sitting on his big, leather couch. If only the stories weren't too inappropriate to publish ... So I'll just tell one. Someone told me lately that they really appreciated Eric's quiet humor. I do too, though I think I'd describe his humor as unexpected. Back when we had our party in December, Eric showed up late after driving in from his rotation in western Nebraska somewhere. At some point in the evening, I used the word coif to describe a haircut. Eric didn't believe I was using the word correctly, so he got up and pulled my dictionary off my bookshelf to look it up. We subsequently got into a discussion about how, when I'm editing a story, people often use words that they think they know what they mean and how they should be used, but they really don't. Megan was in the room (and I can't remember exactly how this came about) but she got Eric to quiz her on random words from the dictionary. Eric would open a page and give Megan, Lindsey and me words to define from the dictionary AT OUR PARTY. I know what you're thinking, "what a lame party." But I thought it was hilarious. And I think you'd have to know how competitive Megan is to appreciate the situation. But who reads from a dictionary at a party? Yep, that's right, Eric. Eric sent me this photo yesterday and told me I could make up a blog. I may have just gotten a little carried away, and I didn't even talk about the omelet in the photo. I will say that Eric is an expert at throwing things together and having them turn out fantastic. Tikka Masala Mango Omelet: by Eric M. 3 eggs (2 yolks if you want your LDL to be 44 like Megan's) splash milk pinch salt two turns pepper quarter red pepper 1/2 clove garlic 3 tbsp onion minced avocado halved and sliced (only need a half) 4 cherry tomatos, halved 1/4 cup monterey jack, shredded 1 mango peeled and sliced and diced 1 loaf naan warmed 1/4 cup tikka masala sauce Saute diced pepper, onions and garlic in olive oil on high. Remove from heat, let pan cool. Turn heat to medium low. Mix eggs milk salt pepper but don't beat the eggs. Return pan to heat and cover sauted goodness with egg mixture. Add cheese, avocado, tomatos and 1/2 of tikka masala sauce to one half of omelet. Flip empty half of omelet over toppings when egg is cooked. Warm naan in the oven at 350 degrees. Plate half an omelet, garnish each with 1/2 of remaining masala. Serve with mango slices and 1/2 loaf naan. Open shades for sunlight. Brew strong coffee. Break bread. Enjoy. Serves 2.

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