
Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Homemade Salsa

I did it. My first time using real, live jalapenos. And I didn't even burn myself, probably because I barely touched the pepper with my bare hands--I used a dish towel to grab it. But I did become more and more bold with the pepper, while making salsa last week for a Bible study I go to. The group meets Wednesday evenings for dinner, study and beer, starting at Aaron and Laura's and ending at the Upstream. I'd have to say, it's one of the greatest parts of my week. Aaron and Laura are the other "most hospitable people I know," in competition with Eric and Megan. But really, everyone there is great. If you happened to come in town to visit, I would introduce you to these people.

For dinner, everybody pitches in. My first effort with cooking for about 30 people ended (I think you could use this word) near disastrously. Let's just suffice it to say that something I cooked caused permanent damage to Aaron and Laura's stove. This time, things went better. I was pretty unsure about the salsa. Did I go too crazy with the onion and garlic? (If I did, friends, don't tell me, my ego can't take it.) Tim was absolutely raving about it though, apparently the best salsa he had ever had. I wouldn't go that far--at all. I did hear a couple people asking for gum or mints post-salsa. Some would say that's a good sign for salsa. My analysis: Store bought salsa costs like $3, but you don't get to pulse vegetables to a pulp in the food processor.

Homemade Salsa: 1 1/2 15-ounce can diced tomatoes 2 cloves garlic 1/2 red onion 1 jalapeno 1 tablespoon lime juice handful or two of fresh cilantro salt and pepper

Toss all the ingredients in the food processor and pulse it to a pulp.

With jalapenos, apparently the seeds and white-ish-hued ribs inside the pepper are the spicy parts. I started out with less of everything and tasted as I went along to adjust for heat, etc. Whatever you do, do not touch the pepper and then touch your eyes.


  1. Can't wait to try your salsa sounds and looks wonderful thanks for sharing.

  2. Yum! I should have bought this stuff while I was at the store yesterday. Looks delicious!

  3. This salsa looks delicious. I hope to try it out soon!! Hey, you might be interested in this social networking site I recently's for "foodies" in and around the Omaha, NE area to network w/ each other, exchange recipes, etc. Each member can also create their own page, so you could "advertise" your blog on your page if you'd like to participate.
    Check it out if you're interested!!!

  4. thanks christy. i'll check it out.

  5. I made this yesterday but forgot to buy the jalapeno! I had some red pepper flakes so added that. Still didn't give it much kick. I also added about half a can of black beans and cooked some chicken with the salsa. Yum!
