
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Pesto Pasta

Tomatoes are finally edible--though not any from my garden. But what is doing well in my garden are the herbs. The caterpillars have been focusing their energy on the viney plants and have largely ignored the fragrant basil, parsely, oregano and rosemary. Sitting out on my back porch eating this plate of pasta, I realized that I just might be one of those "granola" people (aside from the cannabis smoking). I spotted a caterpillar resting on one of my flowering plants (the name of which I can't recall) and I let it live, thinking that it will go into its cocoon pretty soon anyway and would then entertain me as a butterfly (or more likely annoy me as a moth but whatever). My basil plant, up until last night, was covered in leaves all of them tantalizing me with their aroma. Yes, it was time for some pesto--pesto being the sole purpose for growing basil in the first place. Pesto incorporates all things I love (or at least quite a few of them) including basil, garlic, pine nuts (which I could eat by the handful) and parmesan cheese. So simple. Pesto and tomatoes scream summer to me. It's got all the flavor and all the color.

Basic Pesto: 2 cups fresh basil leaves, packed 1/3 cup pine nuts 1 clove garlic 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper 1/2 cup parmesan cheese In a food processor, pulse basil, pine nuts and garlic. Add salt and pepper and pulse again. While blending, slowly add olive oil until the mixture is creamy and smooth. Remove from processor and put in a bowl. Add parmesan cheese and stir to mix. You may need to add salt and pepper to taste.

Serve with capellini pasta and freshly diced Roma tomatoes. (Pesto is also great on turkey sandwiches.)


  1. I love pesto more than almost anything on this earth. Yum! I have not one basil plant but THREE on my patio for this reason. To mix things up a bit, or if you don't have enough basil, you can add fresh spinach as well. It changes the flavor some, depending on how much you add.

    Pesto also tasted amazing on baked chicken. For the last few minutes of baking, put a slice of mozzarella on top. My mouth is watering.

    One last tip, pesto (and basil leaves) freeze well!

  2. love pesto! p.s. i know all too well about cravings, you can always make granola salty if you must ;)
