
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

December 23

Just a photo from a potluck we hosted a couple weeks ago (this was the most ridiculous game of Jenga ever played, just saying). I'm looking forward to hosting another potluck in January--I've already planned on making more things than I could possibly enjoy taking on (get excited!). Merry Christmas. Here's a list of blogs I've been drooling over the past couple weeks. They've inspired me to save up for a new camera and to try a little harder:

{ Take }
{ Natalie }

* who I suspect is my neighbor based on this image

I enjoy the motion and warmth exuded in pictures that aren't completely in focus. A couple months ago, I went to see The September Issue at Film Streams. Aside from being in awe of the process of putting together a magazine on calibar with Vogue, I became completely enamored with Grace Coddington (along with every other person who saw that documentary). I love the simple personal style she and Tonne Goodman sport. The two of them, to me, are the epitome of style that comes from the inside out.

At one point, Grace (I'll use her first name) was setting up a photoshoot or perhaps she was looking at images. She said something like, "Everybody wants these sharp images. You lose the romance and movement. It's really such a shame."