
Friday, October 31, 2008

Maria Makes Risotto.

Maria called me the other night, "I'm making the risotto. So I cook the rice with stock not water and I saute it beforehand?" She sounded a bit frantic, as if she was calling mid-saute. My first reaction was excitement, "Someone is making something from my blog!" Then I thought, "Wait, that risotto was so-so, what if she doesn't like it and never comes back?!" "Maria, are you putting any meat in it?" "No, remember I only like chicken." "OK, put some other seasonings in it." "Can I use garlic?" "Sure, why not." Conversation ensued on whether it was acceptable to use bouillion cubes (I said yes). Fortunately, it seems that Maria's risotto was a success. Maria used pinot grigio instead of marsala (a good choice) and added broccoli and carrots to the squash and apples. She seasoned with thyme, salt and pepper (note: no garlic). Still creamy, still excellent. Thanks to Maria for demonstrating the versatility of this recipe. Maria's cat Ollie apparently likes Food Eaten just as much as she does. Well maybe not quite. Food Eaten is still accepting submissions for recipes (note: you will not be turned down, providing your dish is not obscene). Or, even better, you can invite me over for dinner and I will write about how wonderful you are. lrseyler at hotmail dot com.


  1. i kind of think it would be funny to see what kind of "obscene" dishes people would submit.
